Monday, May 25, 2009

jennifer aniston...

Why are people still casting you in movies?  Okay, so you were in a hit sitcom like ten years ago and you were pretty hot.  You're still kind of hot but you're really annoying and you ultimately play the same character (Rachel) in every movie.  You also did date John Mayer and I don't know if that is a good thing or if that counts against you.  It did make his twitter the most awesome-ist ever, but he did also dump you which leads me to believe that you were either really annoying, really boring or didn't appreciate a good dirty Sanchez.  Anyway, I digress, the point is start showing your tits and maybe hollywood will let you stick around a little longer and unjustly take our money or start swallowing so you can keep a man and you'll just forget about acting for a while.
Thanks Jenn,

Monday, May 11, 2009

apple rejects bittorrent control app from app store because it might be used to infringe copyrights

This is why iTunes, iPods and Apple products in general will always have flaws. Apple has a conflict of interest when it comes to PMP's and software pertaining to file sharing. Apple wants to control what you can do with your iPod and iPhone because they ultimately only want you to be able to purchase music/media from their iTunes store and then want control where you can play that media and how you can share it. Or not share it actually. They will always fall short of putting the ultimate product out because this will always be a concern of theirs. Sanza does not care how many computers you connect your PMP to. They do not care if you take files from your computer and put them on another computer via their product. Once they've sold it to you they can really care less what you do with it. I've never seen a company try so hard to control what you do with their products after they've sold them to you as Apple does. They are even trying to make it illegal to jailbreak your iPhone. I use an iPod and am even typing this on a MacBook but I have yet to drink the Kool-aid. It bothers me that every time I install a software update I have to agree to a new EULA and stress out about what features the update will actually take away, like which 3rd party iPod software will all of a sudden stop working so I can't take music off my iPod. We should be able use our iPods with as many computers as we want to. I paid $300 for the item I should be able to use it as I please. But Apple wants to prevent its consumers from sharing music with each other via the iPod, thus limiting the overall greatness of what the product could be. The law is the law. Stealing and "sharing" is illegal but it's not Apple job to enforce the law. But it is their job to protect their own interests. Apple wants to have their cake and eat it too. So far they're achieving that goal. But soon enough people will start wising up to their sneakiness and intentional product shortcomings. They'll get fed up with finding out the limitations of a product after they've tried doing something simple and logical when it's too late to return the product. Then hopefully when Apple returns to their mid/late 90's sales figures they'll finally get it.