Monday, May 25, 2009

jennifer aniston...

Why are people still casting you in movies?  Okay, so you were in a hit sitcom like ten years ago and you were pretty hot.  You're still kind of hot but you're really annoying and you ultimately play the same character (Rachel) in every movie.  You also did date John Mayer and I don't know if that is a good thing or if that counts against you.  It did make his twitter the most awesome-ist ever, but he did also dump you which leads me to believe that you were either really annoying, really boring or didn't appreciate a good dirty Sanchez.  Anyway, I digress, the point is start showing your tits and maybe hollywood will let you stick around a little longer and unjustly take our money or start swallowing so you can keep a man and you'll just forget about acting for a while.
Thanks Jenn,


  1. by the way, my word verification for that last comment was "fsheming"... just thought i'd let you know... i wonder what it will be to post this...its "obables"... interesting!!
